So… Here we go again

Hey guys, so unfortunately, I lost all of my blog content and it doesn’t look like I’m going to be able to recover it unless I willing to pay around £100 or so, and honestly I don’t feel like I blog enough for that to be worth the money.


I’m starting again, kind of. I’ll go with this blog for now, that I started up before I paid for my custom domain name and a hosting plan etc. etc. last year, and then if I keep it up throughout the year, I’ll pay for it all over again and get my old content back up!! But for now, it’s a shame, but I’ll just have to keep the data stored on my computer and hopefully I’ll enjoy blogging enough to keep it up this year, and thus justify the cost of getting my old content back up!!

I think the last blog post I made was talking about how I had graduated from university, yay!! That was a fun day. I then also got a job AND got married, all in the same month as graduating! It’s been a bit of a crazy time for me, but in all of the good ways. Her’s a quick bullet point list to get us all up to speed!

  • I’m married now, which is honestly the most amazing thing to ever happen to me. Being Matt’s wife is my favourite thing, I feel truly blessed to call him my husband. So, maybe I’ll be doing some blog posts about marriage..
  • I have a kitten!! Matt and I got a cute little furry baby kitty called Roo in October and we are so obsessed with her. I swear, she has way more toys than I ever had as a kid, I can’t control myself. Matt and I just got her this big climbing frame that takes up half the living room! And we always did want two kittens eventually so.. watch this space!

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  • I have a job! I feel so grown up! I’m working for the Church of England (following in my mum’s footsteps once again). I’m the Online Enabler for the Lichfield Diocese (so, if you’re reading this and you just happen to be involved in the Church of England and would appreciate some assistance with online communications, drop me an email at I’m also doing a little bit of freelance social media management on the side, which is always fun 🙂
  • Matt and I started a vlog channel! It’s not as consistent as we’d like it to be yet (we’re still trying to work out how to have full time jobs, spend quality time together, look after a kitty and keep a house clean and have a hobby all whilst staying sane) but we have a few videos up and we’re really enjoying making them! You can check them out here if you’re interested.
  • also.. i got married! (I know, I know, I said that already. But it’s literally the best thing ever and I’m so dang happy that we did it!) I’ll be doing a blog post showing all of our wonderful wedding day photos taken by Laura Rhian Photography, as well as a couple of wedding related blog posts about how I chose my dress, flowers, theme, etc etc.

So I think that’s about it for now. I’m pretty gutted that I lost all of my previous blog posts to be honest, but at least I now have a chance to start fresh! My life has changed so so much since I started blogging last year, so I guess it’s not the worst thing in the world to change up my blog too 😉

as always, you can find me on Instagram @tamarhope and YouTube @tamarhope too!

peace and love

Bible Verse of the day:

“Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens”
– Psalm 68:19

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